Smoked Sirloin Tip Roast Recipe on My BX25 BBQ Smoker

Are you hungry for something beefy, but economical and easy to find in the grocery store? A beef roast on the smoker is the perfect solution to your cravings!
In this recipe I'm cooking a sirloin tip roast on my Meadow Creek BX25 cabinet smoker using a simple method—a dusting of rub, several chunks of pecan wood, and a basket of charcoal.
We're aiming for a medium rare, then slicing the meat and serving it in sandwiches.

Smoked Sirloin Recipe
Here are the steps I used to cook a sirloin roast on my Meadow Creek BBQ Smoker. The roast in this story weighed around 10 pounds and took 4 hours to cook.
When Is it Done?

Ready to invest in a handmade smoker for your patio or deck?

I purchased a whole sirloin tip roast from Sam's Club. At $2.78/pound, it's an economical choice.

Here is the roast trimmed and ready to season:

I sprinkled it with coarse-ground sea salt and then with Lane's Brisket Rub. This rub has no sugar or preservatives in it, and gives the meat a delicious boost. I would have used a heavier coat of seasoning, but I ran out.

The roast is ready for the smoker.
Firing the BX25 Box Smoker
Here are some notes on how I light this smoker when aiming for 250 degrees.

Here is the charcoal basket with the fire starters lit:

Pecan wood added:

I used a half pan to catch the drippings:

The roast cooking in the smoker...

My handsome little BBQ smoker puffing away...

Ready to invest in a handmade smoker for your patio or deck?

Ready to slice.

Part of the roast was quite "rare", but we didn't use all of it in one meal. Leftovers can be reheated to your specs. Look at these beautiful slices...

Sliced and ready to serve!

Douse it in sauce for a delicious and messy sandwich...

Serve with potato chips or potato salad and beans or whatever you prefer.